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Course Downloads, Papers & Seminars

Updated: October 2024

I hope that the resources from my previous postgraduate courses, presentations and hands-on courses are helpful.
I have used a balanced and evidence-based approach for each of the subject areas.    The BDA courses on Occlusion, which I did with Phil Taylor, were well received across the UK and they covered many important areas, that are covered within the associated PDFs. We attempted to tackle some important and potentially controversial areas of occlusion.  Such as the best and evidence-based methods of treating / managing TMJ problems.  Also evidence on the shortened dental arch and the drivers (needs) to replace posterior teeth and modern methods of managing cracked teeth and cracked tooth syndrome.

I would strongly guide clinicians, at any stage, to the important messages within the documents aligned to our hands-on tooth preparation courses.  There are now so many ‘newer’ materials available for us to use on patients in 2024.  Especially tooth coloured indirect materials (ceramics).    Clinicians using them will need to understand the associated advantages and disadvantages of each, together with the implications to tooth preparation.   For example, it is essential to understand the differences between monolithic and layered zirconium restorations and the best clinical situations for each and the different types of tooth-preparation needed to make the most of each.

There is an important section on jaw registration which is a very important area of fixed and removable Prosthodontics to understand.  Hopefully it explains when a jaw registration is, or is not, required when undertaking clinical fixed, removable or implant work.





BDA Armed Forces Study Day (London) July 4th 2019


Endodontics – Level 2 / Enhanced level skills in the Modern NHS – presentation to the UCL Diploma Group

Friday 21st July 2017 – 123 Gray’s Inn Road, London

Peter was delighted to meet the UCL Endo Diploma group.

PDF of Endodontics in the changing NHS environment:

Replace or Restore – SRRDG – presentation at the Royal London Hospital

Wednesday 12th July 2017 – QMUL Dental School, Whitechapel

Peter was asked to provide an evidence- based and balanced view around the ‘hot topic’ in Restorative Dentistry, Endodontics, Periodontics and Prosthodontics.  He was delighted to meet members of the SRRDG and hopes that they enjoyed the session and that it will stimulate them find out more about this important subject.

PDF of presentation Restore or Replace?

Celebrating 150 years of Dentistry:  The Royal Odonto-Chirurgical Society of Scotland

Friday March 10th March 2017 – Edinburgh, Scotland

Peter has been invited by the Royal-Chirurgical Society of Scotland to celebrate their 150 anniversary as part of their 150 year anniversary study day – he been asked to discuss ‘Replacement of Teeth’.   Peter will be looking back and forward with particular emphasis on the challenge that the increase in the proportion of elderly patients will have on the maintenance of complex prosthodontics.

PDF of Peter’s presentation:

The challenges of the Older Patient

Teachers: Peter Briggs and Phil Taylor 

Friday 3rd March 2017 – East of England – Newmarket 

Peter and Phil provided a day of discussion, case examples, clinical demonstrations and philosophical discussion on this important and growing area of dentistry.  Discussions took place on what to do with carious lesions in the frail elderly and those patients who go one to develop mental capacity issues e.g. dementia.  Many of these patients will have many natural teeth – many of which will be heavily restored. The group discussed the issues of implant and over-denture maintenance.



Courses and Educational Events that involve Peter Briggs and Team

Posterior Crown & Hat Tooth Preparation – SWL – Dental Foundation Trainees

Teachers: Peter Briggs and Hiren Patel (Specialist in Prosthodontics)

Friday 24th November 2016 – Dental Practical Skills Laboratory St. George’s University Hospital, London SW17

PDFs for courses:

Course Programme Friday 25th November 2017 SGH

Introduction Posterior Tooth Preparation SL DF 2016

Jaw Registration b 2015

Lecture – Performance of Conventional bridges 2016

Score Sheet for Cast Metal Full posterior Crown SWL DFs 2016

Conventional PFM(winged), Veneer and Adhesive Ceramic Crown Anterior Tooth Preparation – SWL – Dental Foundation Trainees

Teachers: Peter Briggs and Hiren Patel (Specialist in Prosthodontics)

Friday 4th November 2016 – Dental Practical Skills Laboratory St. George’s University Hospital, London SW17

PDFs for courses:

Evidence Based Dentistry – North East London Dental Foundation  Scheme – with Sana Movahedi – Associate Dean for Workforce Development

Friday 28th October 2016  – The Dental Institute of Bart’s Healthcare Trust

This is second year has helped Sana introduce DFs to Clinical Research / Audit and the importance of EBD.  The hope is that we will not repeat what we all learnt as  undergraduates.

The DFs will be encouraged to think about what Audits they can do to develop their practice in the next 9 months. All will undertake an antimicrobial Audit as part of HEE commitment to reducing unwanted prescription of antibiotics to patients.  The Audits will be presented later in the year.

We hope the day will stimulate some to consider a potential career in academic or clinical dentistry and others to prepare for life long learning. The day will start with assessment and critical analysis of three papers that give quite a different picture about the outcome and predictability of Resin Bonded Bridges.

PDFs of Lecture Presentation:  

EBD DFs RBBs Oct 2016

EBD DFs Most important Dental papers Oct 2016

EBD DFs Project suggestion Oct 2016

An Update in Restorative Dentistry & Hands-on Tooth Preparation

Lincoln County Hospital, Post Graduate Centre

Thursday 6th October 2016 (evening lecture) & Friday 7th October 2016  – dental simulation laboratory

This is the first time Peter has visited the postgraduate training centre in Lincoln.  This visit has been facilitated by Stephen Dixon – Associate Dean for CPD – Health Education England East of England.  I am looking forward to meeting delegates over the two days.  The evening lecture will be an evidence-based update on contemporary Prosthodontics to take in some of the newer understanding of occlusion and TMJ management.  

With the aid of evidence, clinical experience and clinical examples Peter will cover them.   

PDFs of Peter’s Lecture Presentation:

Lincoln Evening Lecture

Sumitha and Donovan 2015 – Evaluation of Contemporary Ceramic Materials

WPFM Maxillary Canine Preparation Scoring sheet 2015 PB & RD

Intro and WPFM 2015

Emax Layered ceramic crown performance assessment scoring sheet 2015

WPFM Maxillary Canine Preparation Scoring sheet 2015 PB & RD

North West London Vocational Trainees – Friday 16th September – Hands-on – March Scheme

Title – Restoration of the Endodontically-Treated Tooth (to include posts)  – Northwick Hospital Park Dental Simulation Centre – Friday 16th September

Peter and Janice, with support from Simon Best, provided a full day simulation course that covered the principles of restoring root treated teeth.  The course covered Nayyar Cores, Preparing roots safely for direct or indirect posts. It also included optimal cementation of posts and at the end the group prepared the core restored teeth to accept crowns.

The trainees were also given the opportunity to try-out reciprocation files and fill root canals with warm vertical condensation.  They then learned to safely cut back GP to allow preparation for an appropriate length post.

PDFs of Peter’s Presentations and background reading:

RCT Reciproc Nayyar Post Practical 2016

Practical 1

Practical 2

Practical 3 restoration of RCT’d tooth

Sorensen & Martinioff 1984 – Intracoronal and cuspal coverage restorations in endo

Sorensen & Martinioff 1984 – Dowel design

WPFM Maxillary Canine Preparation Scoring sheet 2015 PB & RD

Intro and WPFM 2015

Tooth Preparation Course – Pan South London Dental Core Training Study Day – Thursday 28th July 2016

Title – Modern Endodontics – Techniques  Venue: LonDEC, Waterloo

The training team of Mital Patel, George Bourne, Raj Dubal and Peter deliver a day of didactic and practical simulation in the LonDEC dental simulation facility.  The trainees are Dental Core 1 and 2. They will receive training and clinical instruction in modern endodontic preparation and irrigation strategies. 

PDFs of Peter’s Presentations:

Dental BDA Dental and Trade Conference – 26th May – Manchester 2016 

Title: Panel Treatment Planning Debate – Can we all agree?

Peter was asked by the Early Years Practitioner Group of the British Society of Prosthodontics (BSSPD) to chair the panel discussion session on Thursday 26th May 2016.  The photograph below shows the panel discussing the outcome of direct composite restorations used to manage tooth wear.  The session used real time voting, via the BDA app, from of the audience. This could be compared to the views of the panel.

Find PDF below of the first patient that was discussed by the panel with details of the votes made by the seven panel members.

File 07-06-2016 08 04 20

PDF of the first patient discussed by the Panel Discussion Group at the 2016 BDA Conference – BDA Case 1

Restoration of the Endodontically-Treated Tooth

Date: Friday 22nd April 2016  Dental Group: South London HEE VT Group

Venue: LonDEC, Waterloo

Peter and Caillin will lead a practical day that will take in endodontic instrumentation with Reciprocation, Obturation, cut back of GP to allow the preparation of post preparation – impression and post cementation.  Nayyar amalgam cores.
Learning outcomes will include: safer and more confident techniques and deeper learning and understanding.

PDFs of Peter’s Presentations:

Practical 1
Practical 2
Practical 3 restoration of RCT’d tooth
RCT Reciproc Nayyar Post Practical 2016

Accompanying Papers:

Saunders 2014 endo-implant Sorensen & Martinioff 1984 – Intracoronal and cuspal coverage restorations in endo

Sorensen & Martinioff 1984 – Dowel design

Sorensen & Martinioff 1984 – Intracoronal and cuspal coverage restorations in endo

Practical Tips in Restorative Dentistry – The Good and the Bad Things – Peter Briggs

Date: Thursday 4th Feb 2016 – Milton Keynes – BDA Group

Peter will outline some new important clinical evidence that should drive our planning and decision-making in general, enhanced and specialist practice. He will discuss some of the other non-clinical skills things that are important for the modern dentist – such as resilience, leadership, communication.  He will also discuss talent – and how we nurture and expand our own talent and the value of benchmarking against others more talented than us.  He will also discuss some problem clinical examples – where things have lead to litigation and why.    Please also find evaluation results of the evening presentation from those who attended.

PDFs of Peter’s presentations:

Challenges of the Older Teeth (Gerodontics) in 2016 and Beyond

Peter Briggs & Phil Taylor

Date: 12th January 2016 – Addenbrooke’s Hospital Cambridge

Peter and Phil hope to provide sensible and practical day full of help and advice to course delegates on the management strategies of compromised teeth and the elderly patient.

PDFS of Peter’s presentations:

Occlusion in a Modern World 2016 – BDA Seminar series

Peter Briggs & Phil Taylor – Manchester, Belfast & Edinburgh

Dates: Manchester 4th March 2016, Edinburgh 29th April 2016 & Belfast 21st October 2016

Following on from the successful seminar on Occlusion given by Phil and Peter to a full house at the BDA headquarters in London at the end of 2015 – they have been asked by the BDA to provide present three more to other parts of the UK.

Please go to the BDA events webpage for further details.  We hope that we can meet you for a fact and fun filled day on an honest appraisal of where Occlusion fits in Dentistry in 2016.  Please find PDF of Peter’s presentations.  Peter and Phil will also discuss their case examples

PDFs of presentations:

BDA Occlusion Seminar 1

BDA Occlusion Seminar 2

British Dental Association Conference and Exhibition

Dates: 26th – 28th May 2016 Manchester

Interactive Discussion / Treatment Planning in Prosthodontics

Peter has been asked by the British Society of Prosthodontics ( to chair two interactive panel treatment planning sessions in the main auditorium during the 2016 BDA conference.  The panel discussion will include several well known dentists from primary and secondary care.  The audience will be able to interact with Peter and the Panel via the BDA Conference App (smart phone – compliant).  Like last year the bsspd team will be present throughout the conference and provide presentations across a broad Prosthodontics (to include Implants,  removable and fixed tooth replacement, aesthetic dentistry, interface with endodontics and periodontics).  Please  keep an eye on both and websites for further details.

I look forward to seeing you in Manchester in May 2016


Date: Friday 23rd October 2015

Location: QMUL – Dental Foundation Trainees (HEE NE Scheme)

Subject: Evidence Based Dentistry and Preparing for Audit in primary Care

PDFs of presentations:

A day on EBD may not be every DFs idea of fun. Hopefully Peter & Sana will provide a different approach and encourage all to think about what they can Audit in their DF year in London. Should be fun and remember DFs that the seminal / essential reading is a good place to start.

Date: Friday 2nd October

Location: Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, Scotland

Meeting: East Coast Symposium and Trade Fair, Edinburgh

Lovely to see everyone. I really enjoyed the day and it was nice to meet so many committed people. Thanks to Kevin, Suzie and the rest of the team for the very kind hospitality.

PDFs of presentations:

Date: Tuesday 29th September 2015

Location: Lake Vyrnyi, Wales, UK

Sponsor: Oxford and Thames Valley DF and DF Trainer Scheme – Residential Conference

Title: Clinical Challenges, Tips and Update on the things that Affect Clinical Outcome in Restorative Dentistry in 2015

It was great to meet up with all the DFs and the DF trainers in the Oxford and Thames Valley HEE Scheme.  I really enjoyed the day and also the beautiful venue at Lake Vyrnyi in Wales.

It was good to meet up with you all and I wish everyone the very best for the next 11 months.  Remember that you all need to be prepared to work hard, look in the mirror and reflect on your performance and be prepared to take criticism on the chin – in order to improve – it is the only way to go!

As promised please find PDFs of all my presentations and remember that most of the papers, which as I mentioned, can be found either within course downloads or essential reading – which are both with the education & training section on   Please Enjoy!…..

PDFs of the presentations given by Peter Briggs on Tuesday 29th September 2015:

See you all again soon, Thx Peter

Date: Friday 18th September 2015 at the Dental Simulation Laboratory, St George’s Hospital, London SW17 0QT

Course Title: Anterior Tooth Preparation

Delegates: Dental Foundation Trainees of the South West London Scheme

Teachers: Peter Briggs & Raj Dubal

Peter and Raj will run a hands-on refresher course for the SW London DF scheme. The day will involve knowledge-based update, practical skills training and reflective learning with all attempting to objectivise their performance.  The day will cover the following practical tasks:

PDFs to accompany all day practical course:

The hope is at the end of the day that the Foundation Trainees will have gained confidence and competence in anterior tooth preparation particularly in the following domains: taper, match preparation design to restoration choice, margin choice and execution, planes of labial reduction and appropriate  inter-occlusal space creation.

Course Title: Pain & Differential Diagnosis – Study Day

Delegates: Dental Foundation Trainees (North London)  

Date:  Thursday 3rd September 2015 – Venue Stewart House Russell Square

Course Leaders: Peter Briggs & Sumair Khan  It is nice to meet up with a group of the new London DF in their induction week.  Starting off with a introduction and re-cap on Diagnosis and management of dental and other head and neck pains.  Lots of cases to allow individual and small group interactive discussion. Handout to accompany study day (PDF):  Differential diagnosis of Pain 3rd Sept 2015

Pan London Restorative Dentistry StR Study Day – Reciprocation Rotary Files in Endodontics

Date: Thursday 9th July 2015   Venue: QMUL Dental Simulation Laboratory

Course Leaders: Graeme Bryce and Peter Briggs

Peter and Graeme will lead a clinically-based simulation training session on the use of Reciproc files and obturation for both De-novo and Re-treatment in 2015.  Current literature will be discussed and clinical use practised in a simulation setting.  The group will also discuss the issue of cost effectiveness within NHS Restorative (and other NHS environments) of such techniques.  We look forward to lively session and we present the supporting evidence together with summary of the evidence provided by Graeme. We also thank QED for supporting this course and QMUL for providing the  use of the excellent facilities. Supporting Evidence:

David Rule Study Day:  Current Clinical Concepts in Restorative Dentistry and Implications for DF Trainers

Date: Friday 26th June 2015 

Speakers: Ken Hemmings and Peter Briggs

Peter and Ken will outline current concepts in Restorative Dentistry that are relevant to Dental Foundation trainees and trainers .  Peter will attend the meal after the study day at the Royal College of Physicians

PDF of Peter’s Presentation:

David Rule Df Craft 2015 David Rule DF Risk 2015 David Rule Restorability 2015

Pan South London DCT Practical Study Day – LonDEC simulation laboratory, Waterloo, London

Title:  Handpiece Control:  Crown & Bridge Preparation & Outcome of Crowns and Bridges

Date: Thursday 11th June 2015

Peter and team will provide practical and knowledge-based education for Dental Core Trainees working in South London with the goal of improving practical skills, understanding more about conventional indirect restoration outcome and helping advise how to reduce risk and better explain and record the issues around risk and benefits of treatment

PDF of Peter’s Presentation:

Endodontic Study Club – Tunbridge Wells – Pembury Hospital

Title: Modern Endodontics – ‘Never Standing Still’

Date: Tuesday 12th May 2015

Peter will provide an update in endodontic techniques to include instrumentation, diagnosis, outcome, restorative Endodontic interface, learning new skills and advice on how to avoid mishaps and dento-legal complaints

PDF of the Tunbridge Wells Endodontic Study Club presentation:

BDA National Conference and Trade Exhibition – Manchester

Title: Team Work in Prosthodontics

Date: Friday 8th and Saturday 9th May 201

Type of course: Lecture to involve evidence, Clinical HD videos and clinical examples

Peter spoke at the 2015 BDA Conference in Manchester – his presentation focused on how team working can and will  improve clinical outcome and reduce clinical risk.  This is the third time Peter has spoken to the annual BDA conference. Peter was at the conference manning with colleagues the British Society of Prosthodontics and was delighted to meet so many young and year dentists who signed up to join the society. Please look up the society on:

PDF of BDA Conference presentation:

The Prosthodontic Management of the Endodontically-Treated Tooth

Type of course: Knowledge and Practical Simulation.

Date: Friday 1st May 2015

Venue: Dental Simulation Department of Northwick Park Hospital, Watford This hands-on course will focus on the restoration of RCT’d teeth to include Nayyar Cores (amalgam & composite), Reciproc RCT, safe cut back of GP to allow post preparation for indirect and direct (carbon fiber) posts together with direct composite core build up.  The learning points will be to learn how to assess the best way of restoring endodontically treated teeth – and being able to clinically apply the term restorability.  Reduce the risk of post deviation and  perforation. PDFs & Course Handouts:

Title: British Society of Prosthodontics – annual Conference 27th / 28th March 2015 – Confronting the Grey Areas – British library Conference Centre

Update on ceramic use in 2011 and beyond: Daniel Edelhoff from Munich presented a couple of fantastic presentations on use of modern day ceramics, CAD/CAM technology and modern management of Tooth Wear. Enjoy one of his PDFs: Edelhoff-Brix JADA 2011

Title: Modern Endodontics & working as a team: Simulation hands-on course with dentist and nurse 

Thursday 5th March 2015, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital

A hands on course  for GDPs in the Norwich, Cambridge and Suffolk area on modern endodontic techniques. Learning aims included: Correct/ appropriate access (in extracted teeth), coronal, mid and apical preparation with ProTaper and Reciproc, apical gauging,  apical verification of final GP point and 3D vertical GP obturation and warm back fill with hot tip and hot shot.  Goal of course was to introduce new techniques that may need further practice within simulation and out-of-mouth environments before general clinical use. Course leaders included: Peter Briggs, Tracy Watford and Ahmed Al-Khayatt Course PDF Handouts:

Title: – Tooth Preparation for the 21st Century – A Team Approach 

Friday 6th March 2015, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital

A hands on course  for GDPs in the Norwich, Cambridge and Suffolk area on modern tooth preparation for traditional and modern indirect restorations within dental simulation laboratory.  The preps covered included: winged PFM, Dentine bonded crown (DBC) and E-max layered and monolith. Finally the full gold crown preparation, which with minimal modifications is similar to a E-max monolith. Course leaders included: Peter Briggs, Tracy Watford and Ahmed Al-Khayatt

Course PDF Handouts:

Title: Hands-on management of Worn dentition in the 21st Century Thursday 12th Feb 2015 at LonDEC, Waterloo, London    The course  for South London DCTs provides experience of building-up worn teeth in a high tech simulation environment with knowledge of the aetiology of tooth wear (particularly erosion). The different options of restoration were also covered allowing for balanced messages and treatment strategies. Course leaders included: Dr Igor Blum, Raj Dubal, Sara Tabiot-Pour, Peter Briggs &  Ahmed Al-Khayatt

PDF Handouts:  

Lecture 1 TSL lonDEC 2015

 Lecture 2 TSL LonDEC 2015

Lecture 3 TSL adhesive and cases LonDEC May 2015


Courses and lectures provided by Peter Briggs and Team:

BDA Symposium South West Presidential Meeting Location: Bristol Title: Problems and Solutions for the Older Patients Date: Tuesday 25th November 2014 PDF Handout: Bristol and Bath 2014 Peter Briggs   Tunbridge Wells Dental Study Group Title: Restoration and Re-restoration of Posterior Natural Teeth – is it all Worthwhile? Date: Thursday 13th November 2014, Location: Pembury Handout: Tunbridge Wells Posterior Teeth final   BDA Seminar Huddersfield, UK Title: Presentation Title: Repair, Re-treat, Restore or Replace?

Friday 12th September

Peter is presenting a joint day with Phil Taylor (from Barts Health Trust Dental School) in Huddersfield as part of the 2014 BDA Seminars series.  They will discuss clinical decision-making, the dismantling and removal of failed or failing restorations and working out the best strategy for patients of all ages.  Please find below links to PDFs of Peter’s presentation. Accompanying PDFs:

British Society of Restorative Dentistry – Spring Conference – May 2014 Venue:  Mandela Lecture Theatre Oxford University, Oxford Lecture title: Endodontics or Implant? Find full length (40 minutes) HD recording by Dentinal tubules at:

2015 Specialist Registrar and MClinDent Seminars:

Please find below examples of papers, healthcare management scenarios and clinical case examples that are discussed at our weekly Registrar seminars in 2014. Clinical Cases -Friday 21st Feb 2014

Health Care Management Scenarios and Clinical Case Friday 28th Feb 2014

Apical Surgery – Clinical Papers – Friday 7th March 2015

Health Care Management presentation at the Faculty of Dental Surgery RCS(Eng) by Peter Briggs on Friday 14th March 2014

Decision-making in terms of natural tooth preservation and restoration versus extraction and placement of implant.  Does experience and exposure to implant training affect decision-making in this area?   Friday 21st March 2014 paper

Friday 4th April 2014 St George’s Seminar – recent paper on Peri-Implantitis What is the best way to manage peri-implantitis?  This 2014 paper tries to answer what a Cochrane review cannot. The problem is lots of bias, lots of different methods, no direct comparison with non-surgical techniques with surgery.  A good suggestion of a structured clinical protocol for patients with such problems at end of paper. Hope you enjoy it.

Friday 25th April 2014 St. George’s Seminar – Karoussis et al 2003 – 10 year ITI Implant outcome paper Our group discussed this paper in terms of its strengths and weaknesses.  It is commonly used as a reference to support the risk of smoking with perio and the comparison of non-smoking and periodontal susceptibility with implants.  It is also use to support the value for money when implants placed to restore teeth lost from caries, trauma or agenesis (hypdontia). Have a careful look in terms of how ‘prospective’ the study actually was and how well matched the sample groups of A and B were.  In addition the observational unit is something that may cause concern.  Finally I want you to think in an ideal world how you would better design and carry out such a study to answer the research questions it asks? Enjoy

Friday 2nd May 2014 St George’s Seminar – Saunders (2014) I am in Oxford lecturing to the British Society of Restorative Dentistry (BSRD)  on the subject of: Endodontics or Implants? Unfortunately the lecture is being recorded and contracted to Dentinal tubules for a 6 week period.  In the meantime I post up a good recent article on the subject written by Bill Saunders from Dundee in the BDJ.  It is a good, thorough and well balanced critique of the issues involved with good evidence base.   See what you think and I promise that I will post the full recording of my BSRD lecture on this my site in 6 weeks time.

Friday 13th June 2014 St George’s Hospital Seminar – TMJ therapies – What is best? Systematic review of three groups of clinical TMJ patients with evaluation of single (dentist) or multi-modal treatment strategies for the different problems described. Interesting conclusions and hopefully useful to all dealing with the TMJ problems.

Friday June 27th June 2014 – Orthododontics Healthcare management & HNC outcome One Canadian study and another study that attempts to stratify the associated confounding factors to allow assessment of dental risks to include: oral heath, gingival bleeding, care from dentists, denture wearing and the risk of alcohol containing mouth rinses.  See what you think

Healthcare Management Seminar Friday 18th July 2014 

Healthcare Management Examples: Long cases (20 mins): Q1)32 year old clinic that needs a refurbishment – discuss how you would put together a business plan. Issues to cover in discussion: Identification of the stakeholders involved, what is involved in the business plan, risk to reward assessment, managing service patients during refurbishment, what equipment would you need what are the purchase options? Q2)  14 year old girl has been referred to NPC via orthodontics for extractions. Mum calls to say she didn’t come home last night and it has happened a few times and wants you to call when she gets to your clinic.  How would you manage this? Issues to cover in discussion: Mother / Child relationship / healthcare professional’s duty of care.  Who you would contact before the appt, who you would contact if the child did come, who would you contact if they didn’t turn up?  If apt was for Rx would you go ahead without parents?   What stage would do you call the police?  How would you refer to safeguarding team?  CAF-what it is and where it goes once you send it off and what happens because of it. Short case scenaros (10 mins): Q1) Out of date prescription issued, dad notices and doesn’t give it to the child – What would you do? Discussion to include: How would you deal with complaint?  How would you prevent this? How is severity of incident graded? What is a never – never event? Q2) Nurse flags up that you have used out of date local anaesthesia – What would you do? Discussion to include: Information that you would give to patient and parent / Reporting of incident / Fact finding and Root Cause Analysis of the failure to check and know that drug was out of date. Are others likely to be doing the same? – How would you respond to complaint from patient? What is risk to patient of this incident / Role of WHO pre-op protocol / future strategy – place LA label in the notes. Audit of practice, identify responsibility and implement policy for future safe practice. Q3)  A Paed Dent DCT sends out a letter requesting incorrect extractions (permanent teeth instead of deciduous).  GDP writes into the Consultant. What would you do? Discussion to include: Nature of fact finding, assessment of DCT capability. Role of Ed Sup, appraisals, WBAs  How would you support them? What you would do to rectify the mistake? Can you alter the medical records? 5th September 2014  – Clinical Seminar (separated endodontic instruments / should we remove existing cores and crowns prior to endodontic and re endodontic treatment and if so why?) This seminar concentrated on clinical strategies for to do with an endodontic file separation.  A recent BDJ article was assessed with understanding more of the correct balance between risk and reward with regard to removing or accepting the presence of the instrument.

The second paper PV Abbott (2004) is a fascinating paper that assesses teeth that are referred to the Australian author for endodontic therapies. He assesses the pre-operative staus of the tooth and compares this to what is found with the restoration tripped from the tooth.  Interesting stuff and big differences between amalgam and composite in terms of pulpal status and restoration longevity prior to problems.

9th January 2015 – Implant placement – Immediate or delayed?

Happy New Year  to all .  These two papers provide a very different ‘take’ on the two options. One outlines the biological and gingival performance of immediately plced implants – with favourable soft tissue results. The other highlights the risk of losing labial bone if implants are paced early in the ‘osteoclastic-stage’ compared to waiting 6-8 weeks after extraction within the osteoblastic-stage of socket change. Read both, try both clinically and make up your own mind. It will be many years before clinical studies tell us the answer.

20th January 2015 – Scientific review of Restorative and other aspects of dentistry

The team from the Chapel Hill Team, USA and headed by the popular Terry Donovan (who I lectured with in Oxford in May 2014) – have brought together an excellent and far-reaching scientific review of dentistry to include caries, materials, perio, endo and prostho. This paper is a must for anyone wanting to underpin their knowledge of current evidence from a peer review perspective. I warn you there is a lot to take in and digest so I would suggest you do it in parts and subjects. It will be worth it I promise! Enjoy

Prosthodontics – Resin Bonded Bridges – Monday 27th April 2015 – QMUL

Two UK outcome studies on the performance of Resin Bonded Bridges.  One a retrospective study at the Eastman Dental Hospital in London (Djemal et al 1999) and the more recent (King et al 2015) a prospective study of RBBs provided at Bristol Dental School.  Interestingly Paul King is an author on both papers. As a prospective study the more recent is more scientifically valid and has interesting conclusions including 20% failure in first 5 years which then stabilises for the mature restorations (with little drop off). Factors of statistical note for the Bristol study were: include coverage, bridge design and operator.  Rubber dam use does not help survival and the double-winged butterfly bridge to replace missing maxillary lateral incisors performs well.  The number of abutments, rather than the number of pontics, was more important for the outcome of multi-winged bridges. Enjoy and see if your view on the long-term predictability of RBBs is changed. Take a look at the statistical method and see what you think about the conclusions. Should we cement with rubber dam?  Should we prepare abutments? Is the cantilever design the best?  Should we be using double abutment butterfly design to replace missing lateral incisors (hyopodontia patients)? Also compare with Pjetursson’s (2007) systematic review of RBBs – there is a big difference in stated survival probability between this and the King et al (2015) paper.

Temporo-Mandibular-Disorders (TMD) – Monday 1st June 2015 – QMUL 

There is much controversy about TMD.  The evidence is constantly on the change and this seminar focussed on a hard look at the best evidence we have on the subject.  The areas covered are summarized in my PDF summary of the discussions.  I also enclose the evidence that we discussed.  Please see what you think and see if you can relate what you personally do for patients with this problem.  Does your approach, whether working in primary or secondary care, fit in with this evidence? My summary of discussion areas: TMJ Evidence:

Monday 29th July 2015 – Meeting Room 2 (5th Floor) 830AM

Some ISFE Healthcare Management Questions to be to be considered by the StRs for tomorrow following on from the TMD Seminar: 1. Outline how you would go about setting-up a TMD / Facial pain clinic within a Trust on appointment as Consultant in Restorative Dentistry? 2. Where do you think the responsibility lies for Restorative Dentistry in terms of TMD referrals? 3. In terms of evidence based dentistry and efficient management of NHS resources – what is the most relevant patient pathway for TMD referrals and how might they be managed within the proposed commissioned pathways? 4. What should the London Local Professional Network be doing in terms of setting up the planning for managed clinical networks for TMD and Facial pain and how might this impact on Restorative Dentistry? PDF of useful supporting information:

Monday 29th June 2015 – MClinDent Seminar – Mono-Specialty Interface (Prostho / Endo / Perio) 

Course Title:  Periodontal / Endodontic / Prosthodontic / Implant interface – to include periodontal / endo infections implants performance in perio disease.  The Seminar will look at the things that we need to consider within our area of mono interest when making decisions about treatment planning.  Such as when should we crown lengthen? How long should we wait after crown lengthening before placing restorations?  The Endo/ Perio defect – how do we decide what is the best thing to do and whether we do the endo or the perio first?  You will see another PV Abbot (2009) paper creeps in -like much of his work worth a read. Supportive evidence:

I have also include a PDF on the recent discussions we have had on the clinics on Tooth Restorability – enjoy

  1. Restorability and Re treatability 2015

Vertical dimension in the dentate or partially dentate patient – Literature that I used to understand the subject

Monday 20th July QMUL MClinDent seminar

The role of occlusion on the progression of experimental periodontal disease

Monday 27th July 2015 QMUL StR / MClinDent seminar

A seminal paper from Lindhe that produced experimental periodontitis and plaque to show that within the study limitations that poor plaque control and experimental tooth jiggling can accelerate periodontitis.  This is only one of the series of experiments in Sweden that used Beagle dogs.  Polson  was using Squirrel monkeys in the USA and looked at similar factors.  This coincided with the view that occlusal overload may be an important factor in the progression of periodontitis and that there may be a therapeutic role for occlusal adjustment to manage this problem.  Then followed randomised study (Burgett et al 1992) to look at the ‘effect’ of occlusal adjustment of patients treated for periodontal disease in Michigan – enjoy and discuss the pros and cons – why are we no longer suggesting this treatment philosophy?

Toronto Endodontic Studies for primary and revision treatment – phases 1 -4

Monday 3rd August 2015 QMUL StR Rest Dent Seminar

Jaw Registration – QMUL StR / MClinDent / DCT – Seminar

Monday 14th September and Monday 21st September 2015

A quick update on the principals of taking accurate static jaw registrations for patients.  The seminars focus not on the materials used but more on the understanding of when and when not a jaw registration is necessary.  Also the concept of taking registrations and common pitfalls.  I enclose two PDFs that I used to accompany the seminars – please try and read some of the references.



    Peter qualified from King’s College Hospital in 1983, and completed a Cons MSc at the Eastman in 1988. He has worked as a Consultant in Restorative Dentistry and a Specialist Referral Practitioner since 1995.


    Read the feedback from some of our recent courses.