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Teaching & Education

11Peter qualified from King’s College Hospital in 1983, and completed a Cons MSc at the Eastman in 1988. He has worked as a Consultant in Restorative Dentistry and He was appointed a Consultant in Restorative Dentistry following a three year senior registrar training programme.

He currently splits his week between: Specialist Practice, Consultant / Senior lecturer at QMUL & Barts and the London Hospital Trusts and London Dental Education and Training (LDET – HEE London)

He completed his Certificate in Teaching in 2000. In 2009 he was invited to lead the teaching of the first DwSI (Endodontics) programme for the London Deanery after which the following evaluation was received from the external validator appointed by the Deanery.

“This course was clearly well planned and delivered and there was much evidence that it is leading to improved patient care, not only in endodontics, but also in professional practice generally. It is clear that two major factors in the success of the course was the course organiser, Peter Briggs, who received general acclaim, and the excellence of the facilities at LonDec” October 2010

Over the last 20 years he has been asked to provide numerous lectures on various restorative dental topics by many local dental groups, and also the following national associations:

In 2011 he was appointed Specialist Training Committee (STC) Chair and Training Programme Director (TPD) for Restorative Dentistry in London. In 2012 as SWL TPD Peter was also appointed TPD /STC Chair for Core Dental Trainees for South London. Peter was postgraduate Dental Tutor for South West London between 2009 – 2013 and secured funding to build a new dental simulation facility at St George’s Hospital SW17. With colleagues, he developed well-received series of ‘human contact’ and stepwise courses – which expose GDPs / CDPs to patients within secondary clinics.

He is currently immediate past-President of the British Society of Prosthodontics (BSSPD). Peter has always had an interest in deep, evidence-based learning and with other team members he has published over 50 scientific papers and was involved inthe publication of a Cochrane review in 2012.

His main clinical interests in practice are endodontics, surgical and restorative implant therapy, and the management of toothwear.


    Peter qualified from King’s College Hospital in 1983, and completed a Cons MSc at the Eastman in 1988. He has worked as a Consultant in Restorative Dentistry and a Specialist Referral Practitioner since 1995.


    Read the feedback from some of our recent courses.